OK, I am crazy about Brian Eno and thats that. I love his music, his collaborations, even the bad stuff, I like it. So what. I found loads of goodies on the inter web about him..like this bunch of quotes by Eno. Last year I made this piece as an homage to him. Its called The Big Ship but the text along the top is from his song Spider and I.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
black and white
i recently have found myself caught in between wanting to create large scale,mixed media, muted palette, white wash pieces and black and white,dark, mostly photographic works. I dont have any problem with this except concern over weather or not the works look good together or make any cohesive sense to one another. My buddy Mark tells me I need to work through it, and to not treat them with the same approach or technique. I agree but also want somehow to integrate the two. I anticipate some conclusion to my confusion, I just kinda need to be venting this out.quack

Friday, June 5, 2009
Holly Miranda

Sometimes you meet someone who you just feel a certain attraction to, to their energy, to their humor, and you get to know them and discover how special and talented they are. I met Holly about 5 years ago when she would frequent the bar I work at called Hifi here in downtown Manhattan. I got to learning that she was a musician and fronted a band called The Jealous Girlfriends. I began going to their shows cause I knew I would be in store for a night of good music and drinks and I did love to heckle them. All in good fun of course. Anyhow, over the years I developed, what I like to think of, as a special relationship with this lady. the only problem being that I found every time we hung out, I needed a few days to recover. But always worth it, cause I cant compare or really want to have to explain her. She has a very natural and passionate need to express herself in music and I keep loving what she does. Now she no longer plays with The Jealous Girlfriends and writes and preforms her own music which for years, I've heard her play on her guitar, or Casio when id visit or on CD comps that she would gift me with from time to time. She seems to always be writing new ditties. I cant tell you how happy I am that her concentration has gone to focus on these songs and that she was able to gather a band together to preform them live. I am not going to try to explain her music cause it needs to be listened to without having to be compared or stripped down to references. I am bias, I know because I know her, I know how awesome of a friend she is so the beauty of her music is just amplified by that, I am lucky in that way. Although I am quite sure I would still be moved by her songs If I had not, but I sure am glad she is in my life. If you do get the chance to see Holly Miranda play live, you ought ta. I will be having a preview of my next exhibit for Berlin here in New York. During this preview salon, Holly and her magnificent band will play an acoustic set for us. This will hopefully be in Sept. and I will be spreading the word on that closer to the date.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Critique Salon
At the beginning of this year, I started to host artist's critiques at my studio. I invite about 10 or 11 people to come by, bring some work in progress, of finished works, and have an informal discussion about their process, ideas and whatnot. They have proved to be insightful, fun gatherings of some pretty swell and talented folks. Its nice to hear fresh perspective from peers and build relationships through dialogue, sharing of ideas and criticism. And at times, when all the artsy fartsy talk is done with, it degenerates into just a bunch of people drinking and smoking and being goofballs. I come for the after party myself. Ok thats the gist of it...I am having another salon this Sunday the 7th of June so if anyone sees this before hand, you are invited, I just need a RSVP to keep a tally on who is coming and if there is room. Otherwise, if you would like to be on the invite list for these gatherings, please just drop me a line at davidhochbaum@gmail.com requesting it, and ill add you on. Cheers!
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